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Worcester, MA

"In humans, N. fowleri can invade the central nervous system via the nose, more specifically the olfactory mucosa and nasal tissues. The penetration initially results in significant necrosis of and hemorrhaging in the olfactory bulbs. From there, amoebae climb along nerve fibers through the floor of the cranium via the cribriform plate and into the brain. It then becomes pathogenic, causing primary amoebic meningoencephalitis (PAM or PAME). PAM is a syndrome affecting the central nervous system, characterized by changes in olfactory perception (taste and smell), followed by vomiting, nausea, fever, headache, and the rapid onset of coma and death in two weeks."


“in time to catch Neagleria, a good old fashioned grindy-death band out of Dudley, MA. These guys are about as heavy as they come and they look like the kind of dudes I’d worry about my grandma running into in a dark alley, even though my grandma has been dead almost thirty years… maybe even more so because she’s been dead thirty years!! I’m just joking! I’m sure they are all very nice boys who would never ever desecrate a corpse.” — Ken Cote - Musicinpictures

“Naegleria, a fresh-off-the-vine death metal band that gigs in the Worcester and Boston area, takes metal intensity to a different level. Their energy is high, their songs are tight and their drive is wild. But guitarist Rayne Purcell slipped up during a Pulse interview and revealed one hell of a dirty secret: Naegleria sounds scary, but they’re all guys you totally want to take home to meet mom.” — Tine Roycroft, Pulse Magazine- Up and Comers


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