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  • On unsigned
  • Available for shows

Meet At Sundown are central Pa’s only heavy southern metal band. Formed in 2006 in the backwoods of Perry County, Meet At Sundown have grown a cult following of metal fans who look for something different in a scene flooded with dreamers. Meet At Sundown combine the melodies and rhythm of good old boy country and classic rock and roll riffs. If Waylon Jennings had joined Slayer, you might get something close to Meet At Sundown. Their diverse background and influences combine Southern Rock, Country, Metal, Hardcore and Metalcore in distinctive blend that is as fine as a aged rye whiskey. On this website, they reach hundreds of dedicated fans with their and their ever growing mailing list is sent as far North at Toronto, South as Memphis, East as Tel Aviv and West as Australia (As per open rates via Google Analytics). With a professional website, the reach out in various media, such as social media, traditional blogging, email newsletter and street team DIY flyers. Meet At Sundown have been making waves with the local scene, getting some notable media attention with local newspapers, magazines and statewide trade publications. Digitally, the footprint is much farther. Meet At Sundown are at home playing with hard rock, southern rock metal, punk, pyschobilly and hardcore acts and is looking to expand its influence from in central PA and further out. Philadelphia, Pittsburgh, Baltimore, Washington DC. With the release of their self titled EP and with over 15 videos on Youtube, Meet At Sundown treats every night like it’s Friday night.


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